The blog of a military wife living in Germany.
I want to be fit.
Published on October 2, 2006 By Arlya In Home & Family
I was standing outside the commissary the other day with a bag full of snacks for our little road trip back to Ramstein. I would have walked up to the BX parking where my hubby was, but he demanded I stay there. He’s afraid of the baby coming early and didn’t want me hiking up the concrete stairs. I tried to reassure him that just walking isn’t going to break my water. Especially considering my first son was a week late.

So I sat on a bench, and then noticed the cigarette disposal beside me was smoldering and sending toxic fumes my way. Me being mildly allergic to cigarette smoke and pregnant, I moved. I ended up standing by these two ladies sitting at a picnic bench having their lunch. One of them had their pre-teen – teen daughter sitting with them. Of course being bored out of my mind, I couldn’t help but listen in. Not to mention, one of the ladies was speaking loud enough for me to hear it a mile away. She was going on and on about her diet. And just spouting off the random “healthy” habits she has to keep herself from gaining weight. She had several eating tips, but nothing in the way of exercise. Interesting, I thought. Then I realized that the teenie daughter was listening in very intently. I felt sick to my stomach. This girl was an average bodied girl. She had nothing to worry about. I don’t mean American average either. She was right in her weight zone. But there she sat, drinking it all in. It made me sick, and it reminded me, that I am about to have a baby girl. It also reminded me I need to work on myself.

I finally ended up walking up to the BX parking lot anyway since some German civilian cleaning lady decided to light up right beside me. (How rude…) I told my husband about what I had overheard. I told him, “That is one of the biggest reasons that after this baby, I want to get into shape. Not get skinny, not get thin, but fit and healthy.” I feel pretty chunky right about now. I’ve only gained about 25-27 lbs now at 34 weeks out of the 25-35 a woman like me should gain during pregnancy. Then again, I was about 10 lbs over what my ideal weight is when I’m not pregnant. My husband constantly reminds me I’m not fat. Yet of course, I’m going to feel like a blimp when I see a thin, fit girl, whether it’s on TV, or in real life.

I want to get fit, so I can change my frame of mind. So I can feel good about my body, and not pass on negative body image issues to my daughter. I want to be the best role model I can for her, since I didn’t have much of one at all. Also, because she deserves it.

on Oct 04, 2006
I've found that the healthiest, happiest people are those who give little thought to how their bodies look -- but they can't help looking good because they eat well and exercise because that's simply what feels good and makes them happy

There's a sick obsession in our society that some people just can't seem to get out of: vanity and body obsession. It's poison to the mind. I hope that teenage girl frees herself from taking in too deeply whatever ill-informed things those ladies may have been talking about.

How come D. wouldn't let you walk up the stairs? I think that's a bit controlling. Even if you'd gone into early labor (not likely) it may have been preferable to being left alone, trapped waiting for him to return, and inhaling second-hand smoke.

Now on a complete tangent, completely unrelated to your topic, sorry:

I had a doctor appt yesterday, and he tells me I'm at 35 weeks. It's been freaking me out because all this time I've thought I have 7 weeks left, suddenly I have 4 weeks left!

Well we'll just see who's right. I should wager a very high bet with my doctor. I'd love to have some of his money and I know I'd win the bet. Hehe.

Hope all is well with you. It's fun blogging again
on Oct 07, 2006
I'm positive it wasn't D.'s intention to be controlling about the stair thing. I post on the babycenter boards for my due date club and quite a few of the women there have had their water break and have given birth early. I think he's just scared of the baby having to spend time in the NICU. (Which we'd have to go to a german hospital or 80 miles away to LRMC for that)

35 weeks! How exciting, you'll have to have J. let me know if something happens. I'll be 35 weeks this Tuesday, but I'm ready to be done. I want to see my little girl!
on Oct 16, 2006
?!?! I posted something here on Friday, but it's not here!

So I said something like...

I'm positive it wasn't D.'s intention to be controlling about the stair thing.

Sorry I misinterpreted it as D. being controlling. I'm glad he's looking out for you!

I post on the babycenter boards for my due date club and quite a few of the women there have had their water break and have given birth early.

I hope it's not contagious! ::

I think he's just scared of the baby having to spend time in the NICU. (Which we'd have to go to a german hospital or 80 miles away to LRMC for that)

Oh yes, I hear you on that. Not only would it be far away from you, but the NICU can be sooooo booooooooring. You have to sit there all day and stare at your sleeping child. It was especially boring for us because we weren't even allowed to hold Michael for much of the time. He was on bilirubin light therapy for much of his time there. And once when I did get to hold him he peed all over me, so I had to drive aaaaaall the way home, change my clothes and go back again.

But I think they put people up in the Fisher House if they live outside of the KMC. Anyway, I agree with you to stay as far away from that scenario as possible

35 weeks! How exciting,
Yes indeed! Although right now at this moment (two weeks after I told you that), according to my own calculation I am 35 weeks, but my doctor has me at 36 - 7 weeks. I just don't know what to think! But I stand by my calculation because I know for a fact that John & I did not touch each other any earlier than 35 weeks ago ::

I'll be 35 weeks this Tuesday, but I'm ready to be done. I want to see my little girl!

So is it true that at this stage the baby's pretty much fully developed, but just grows & grows? If so I'll bet she's already "done" now But I guess it's best to wait until she says she's done. Send us pictures when she comes

my first son was a week late.

I didn't know that (or maybe you told me and I forgot). I bet he was really comfy cozy in there.
on Oct 16, 2006
Angela: Do you understand gestational age v. ovulatory age?

Most doctors count your pregnancy beginning with the first day of your LMP, which means you are 2 weeks pregnant when you actually conceive (weird, I know).

It makes perfect sense for your doctor to consider you 37 weeks while your own amorous calculations place you at 35 weeks. Your EDD is based on 40 weeks from LMP, not 40 weeks from conception.

Get ready, girl, 'cause you're having a baby SOON! LOL.

PS - Did you get to find out what you're having?
on Oct 16, 2006
you are 2 weeks pregnant when you actually conceive

Now THAT'S mind-boggling.

I guess I stuck with the conception day because I didn't exactly keep track of my LMP, but my doctor made me give him my best guess.
Get ready, girl, 'cause you're having a baby SOON! .

Then I'll brace myself and warn everyone!

J: How are you doing lately?