I am constantly amazed at the ability of two cars to pass on these tiny German country roads. I tense up every time I see a set of headlights facing me but I wouldn’t give up this experience for anything. If I weren’t here, I wouldn’t have that smile on my face from seeing fat, milk laden cows grazing lazily. I wouldn’t have had that chance to talk about the chestnut coated horse with my 3 year old son. We only moved here a few weeks ago, but already I’m reminded that I am a country girl at heart. My mood has greatly improved since moving into this small village. I’m no longer surround by large rectangular apartment complexes where people are either as unhappy as me, or drinking or shopping their emotions away. I can take a walk around the village and people wave happily, not out of obligation to some social rule. I can walk down to the river or into the forest, not just around man-planted trees and flowers. I'm reminded often what life is really about, family, relationships, etc. It’s not the U.S., but it’s already starting to feel like home. I am blessed.